STERIS Corporation - Helping to provide a healthier today and a safer tomorrow.

Environmental Stewardship

International Standards Organization (ISO) 14001

This International Standard specifies requirements for an environmental management system to enable an organization to develop and implement a policy and objectives which take into account legal requirements and information about significant environmental aspects. The success of the system depends on commitment from all levels and functions of the organization, and especially from top management. This system provides the framework for ISO 14001 certified STERIS facilities to continually improve upon their environmental policy, objectives and processes to achieve the policy commitments, and to expand performance and conformation to the standard requirements. 

SmartWay Transport Partner

STERIS Corporation is proud to be a recipient of the prestigious EPA SmartWay Excellence Award. SmartWay is a voluntary partnership between companies that ship their products, the freight industry, and the EPA. Together they establish incentives for fuel efficiency improvements and greenhouse gas emissions reductions. This initiative aims to reduce carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions and nitrogen oxide (NOx) emissions every year. At the same time, the initiative will result in fuel savings of up to 150 million barrels of oil annually. There are three primary components of the program: creating partnerships, reducing all unnecessary engine idling, and increasing the efficiency and use of rail and intermodal operations. 

Partnerships with companies and organizations are the foundation of the SmartWay Program. Partners commit to measure and improve the efficiency of their freight operations, using EPA-developed tools that quantify the benefits of a number of fuel-saving strategies.

Reducing Water and Energy Consumption

An integral part of our Green Initiative is the development and introduction of energy saving upgrades to our existing products in the marketplace. There are several exciting product upgrade opportunities designed to reduce water and power consumption, improve water quality and reduce water treatment chemical byproducts in wastewater. Such products include:

Water Conservation Kit

Reduces water consumption by up to 60%. Eliminates constant water flow used for chamber and jacket trap cooling. Water consumption is minimized by enabling flow only when needed. Utility costs are reduced, and the effects of corrosion on associated piping are also minimized. The Water Conservation Kit is available for the Eagle 2000, Eagle 3000 Stage 2, and Eagle 3000 Stage 3 Sterilizers.

Water Conservation Vacuum Pump

Reduces water consumption by up to 75%. Replacing the water ejector with this upgrade will eliminate constant water flow thus greatly reducing water consumption and sewer costs. Available for the Eagle 2000, Eagle 3000 Stage 2, and Eagle 3000 Stage 3 Sterilizers.


This is an effective water treatment system that prevents scale from attaching to pipes and heating elements without chemicals. This product extends the life of steam generators and reduces services calls associated with water quality. This is effective on the full range of STERIS Sterilizers and Washers.

Insulation Kits

STERIS’s new and improved Insulation Kits increase the efficiency of existing Sterilizers. The water and oil resistant outer skin keeps heat in and simplifies maintenance and inspection access. The kits are available for Eagle 2000 and Eagle 3000 Sterilizers.

Remote Equipment Monitoring

You can Go Green with STERIS each time we resolve an issue by using ProConnect or Remote Call Resolution by reducing fuel consumption and associated engine byproducts. Remote problem diagnosis means improved uptime performance and a cleaner environment.

Waste Minimization

In our efforts for continuous improvement and environmental stewardship, STERIS is focusing on reducing landfill use and increasing recycling, while minimizing risk and management cost. We are committed to taking advantage of all viable options for managing all of the by-products generated at STERIS's North American facilities. We will apply these best practices globally as well.

Here are a few select examples of our waste minimization successes:

  • Ethylene Oxide used for sterilization purposes is recycled.
  • Cobalt used for decontamination is decommissioned and returned to the supplier for proper management.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

STERIS has entered into an industry-government partnership, Climate Leaders, with the U. S. EPA, that provides guidance and recognition to companies developing long-term climate change strategies. STERIS has committed to significantly reduce our impact on the global environment by setting and achieving a long-term greenhouse gas reduction goal.

Leadership in Energy and Environmental Design (LEED)

LEED is an internationally recognized green building certification system developed by the U.S. Green Building Council (USGBC). The LEED system provides third-party verification that a building was designed and built using strategies intended to improve performance in metrics such as energy savings, water efficiency, CO2 emissions reduction, improved indoor environmental quality, and stewardship of resources and sensitivity to their impacts. The newly constructed STERIS Customer Solutions Center will soon attain LEED Certification.